Have you ever felt lonely, even after all your friends are around you every time? Have you ever longed for that one friend you trust most to be with you in your darkest hours and you don’t find him around? Well, I am sure every one of us feels that way once in every while. No matter how much we think of a friend to be true, they are going to ditch us once in a while. It could be for another friend or just because of a bad mood. It’s sure to happen to everyone and that’s pretty natural. Some one has said that no matter how good a friend is, they are going to hurt you every once in a lifetime and you must forgive them for that. But is it really easy to just forget how someone u love and feel for dearly hurts you? Well, some people may say yes but to me it’s the most difficult thing to do.
So who is really your true friend? We all go through life with different people by our sides at different times in our lives. But some people distinguish themselves. They are true friends. To me, a true friend understands. Not the kinds that say they will be there for you and then are purposely. They are the kinds that say they’ll be there, then are, and amaze you with how devoted they really are. Going through a time of crisis reveals that your real friends are. It’s not to say that those who are not there for you in these bad times are not good people or good friends. But you get to see their true dedication and moral character when you face adversity.
Jealousy also prevails in friendship sometimes, well you can say almost every time. When your close friend starts to get close to some other person you are likely to be jealous. I have felt so lots of time. I really get frustrated to see my close pal being close to somebody else. Though it is said that you should not feel jealous in such situation, instead you need to be more open and if possible get to know that other person and try spending times together with your friend and their friends. Well, not in every case it’s true. Some people have hard times expressing themselves and thus resulting into a good friendship being lost or lots of misunderstanding. When I was in school, there was this girl named Anne who used to be my best friend. We had been close since we were in 8th standard.
If there was any problem relating to either of us, the first thing people did was to ask us. They would ask about me to her and about her to me instead of asking us in direct. During that time I started taking her as my true friend. We shared everything, from the little things to the deepest secrets. But this closeness of ours came to a sudden halt during 10th standard when some new students were added to our class. Well, I don’t blame her for whatever happened because she had this sweetness and a miraculous attraction that drew people close to her. We started getting apart after those new students came. She would spend lots of times with them instead of me. Even in class, she sat with them and I was given a different bench.
During lunch hours she had no time to talk to me and even if she did, her so-called friends would not let her. I was a sort of left out type. Likewise there was another girl in our class named Sara and she was also treated like me. But the reason behind was that she was an Indian, had dark complexion and others thought that she was JASSI type. But I never looked at her that way. I was going through the same phase and I could easily understand how she could have been feeling. However, Anne never did any thing like that, all that was done was by her group of friends. I used to feel that she was being stolen from me. I never complained to her and took things like they were going. Sara became my good friend since we had same experiences and we could understand each other better. Slowly, I started hating Anne for what she did to me, but I soon realized that it wasn’t her I should blame. It was all my weaknesses that drove her away from me. I was the one who couldn’t hold on to her that’s why others were able to take her away from me. If I had used some senses and had tried to become friends with those others, things would have changed. But I had felt so much hurt that time; I thought being apart from her was the best thing to do. Now looking back I don’t regret for what I did. Anne and I were never meant to be good friends. We are still friends but only to the extent of Hi and Hello.
During my +2 I found really good friends who are still to date my greatest pals. We are still in contact even after we study in different colleges. We talk hours on the phone and laugh at the silly things we had done. However, we don’t meet so often these days but like it’s said distance makes the heart grow fonder. Sometimes in our life we need to be a little away from our loved ones, that’s when we realize their importance in our life and we get more closer to them with each passing moment. Now I am in college and here too I have some pretty good friends, but the history is about to repeat itself again. Same situation like I had in school is arising and I am again in a condition of loosing my close pals. But this time I am trying hard not to let things happen as it had some 3-4 years back.
The most painful situation in your life is to loose someone you really care about. I have lost many people that way but this time I will try my best to hold on to it with all my might. We meet lots of people in our life yet few only touch our hearts and loosing them would be the most foolish thing to do. All those we meet in our lifetime are, in one way or the other, our friends. But the true friend is always hard to find. You need to sort out through many people just to find that person. It’s easy to loose a friend in an hour than to find one in a lifetime. Now I understand when going through rough times, don’t expect everyone to understand—you will just be let down more if they do not. Reach out to your friends if you want them to understand, and give them the opportunity to help. (They aren’t mind readers!)
If you do not find someone to understand, you know that the person has not defined themselves in your eyes as the kind of person who will be there through thick and thin. You can still value people in your life who are not “till the end” friends. These people have just as much to offer, and it should be said that each person in your life is there for a reason. If a friend just does not get the idea that you need him or her, try and understand what that person is going through, or how they view the relationship. Don’t be afraid to confront your friend to see if everything is okay. And most of all, don’t expect everyone to run to your aid. Everyone is busy with his or her own lives.
Rest assured, however, you will find a friend who will be there for you, and you will never truly be alone. Open your eyes to the people in your life and look for someone who you can depend on. Most of all return the favor! When someone goes out on the line for you, you should do the same. Thank the friend(s) who have helped you through rough times and let them know how much you appreciate all they have done, and who they are. That is why I would like to thank all those friends who understand me so well and have been there with me when I needed them most. I truly value your friendship and your appreciation. Your love and your care will always remain sealed in my heart till the end. LOVE YOU ALL AND GOD BLESS YOU.
(यो मेरो रचना होइन, मेरो एउटा साथीले केही समय पहिले मलाई पठाएको उसैको रचना हो । )